
おすすめの本:よくわかる人工知能 最先端の人だけが知っているディープラーニングのひみつ


Adaptive Selling AI Idea

Adaptive Selling AI IdeaWell, i was thinking of a sci-fi-ish robot that has adaptive and responsive AI. The AI senses many information such as name, address, time the order was placed etc. and feeds it back to the online seller. I am think…

Check this Search Engine Out!

Check this Search Engine Out!https://www.omnity.io/

Studied Sigma in Python

#Sigma Test (C)Tsubasa Kato 2016 #Visit http://www.superai.online for my upcoming project. #Credits: Sigma Code from: #http://tjleone.com/mathematical-puzzling-in-python-sigma.htm def f(x): return 2*x + 1 def g(x): return (x-1) * (x-3) def…